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She tried to follow her daddy’s advice and take the safe road for ten long years. She ended up being compelled to follow her dream instead. Listen as author, youth motivational speaker and Christian poet Traci Neal talks about her leap of faith into being a professional creative writer.
- Her motto is Go. Do. Become.
- Go. So what if they said you can’t do it. Still go.
- Do. Do what people might not expect you to be able to do.
- Then you will Become it. You don’t need the validation first.
- “I don’t believe ministry is ministry if I’m only speaking to people like me.”
- “Christians can’t be cool? I have to change that stereotype!”
- “I was using teaching as a blockage because I didn’t know how I would make a living.”
- “If I waste my energy on every criticism that I get, I would not be where I’m at, so, I guess, in a way, I use it as fuel to push me forward.”
- “I want to be the voice that I didn’t feel like I had growing up.”