The “less-than-two-minute” video version…

The reader version…

You will receive an email from Zencastr…

STOP! Be sure to read the Do’s and Don’ts in the email from Zencastr!

Connect a good quality microphone to your computer if you can.

Click on the “Start Recording” button in your email.

You may be asked/prompted to allow your browser to use your microphone. Click “Yes” or “Allow”.

Click “Allow Audio Playback” if you receive that prompt…

Click on the Settings icon in the upper right corner of the screen…

In your Audio Settings…

Make sure that you have your microphone selected from the Audio Input drop down menu…

Also, make sure that you are using headphones from whatever device you are using for your audio output.

Lastly, be sure the Monitor option is disabled.

Click Save Settings, and you should be good to go!