Yes, he has a 265 lb. pet pig called Gracie May. But that’s not the main reason for our discussion. In this conversation Robert Riopel and I talk about some of the clues of success. Robert discusses his story of going from being $150k in debt to being financially free and the incredible life lessons he learned in the process.

Robert is an international Best-Selling author, App Designer, Entrepreneur and Trainer who has spent the past 18+ years traveling around the world sharing his passion. He has also shared the stage with and trained many of the top trainers and thought leaders in the world today.

With his high energy and heartfelt style, Robert draws on his journey from humble beginnings to financial freedom at the age of 32, to inspire individuals into tapping into their greatness. Realizing that he is not the only person that struggles, Robert’s “Clues” open individuals up to the possibilities that lie within them and that is why he is a highly sought after presenter.

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Some of the takeaways…

  • Dreams + Action = Vision
  • How much do you really want to get good at what you’re doing? If you’re really passionate, you’ll put in the hard work so that it looks effortless to others. That’s flow, and that’s where the magic happens!
  • Opportunity favors the prepared.
  • After “What’s next?” comes “What if?” Your mind will try to sabotage you. You’ve got to be “all in”. Don’t try to do it on your own. Your mind will try to keep you where you’re at. Be vulnerable enough to ask for help. Find a model. Be willing to invest in yourself. You’ll never lose on that investment. Ask yourself, who can I be a mentor to?
  • 3 levels: Learn, Do, Teach – the teaching level takes you to a new level. 
  • Avoid short-term thinking, the instant gratification trap.
  • Environment is stronger than willpower!
  • I design my day in such a way that procrastination cannot play.
  • Be of service and show up in such a way that people cannot ignore you anymore.
  • The energy in which you show up to be of service makes all the difference.
  • You can learn a lot about a person by the way they volunteer.
  • The greatest gift you can give the planet is to be yourself.
  • If you’re still breathing, there’s a gift you have to give the world – are you truly giving it?
  • Each of us is a piece of a puzzle – when we put ours in place it gives a thousand others permission to put their piece in place.
  • Live your gift, be you and watch – you’ll be amazed at those who are attracted to your energy and want to be of service with you.
  • Every day you’re impacting people – affecting them with greatness or infecting them with mediocrity.
  • Put your hand on your heart and say, “I am important.”
  • Biggest difference between success and not – taking action.  

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Download Robert’s free ebook Success Left a Clue here!

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